Saturday, December 28, 2013

Five Online Marketing Tips

You should have set your consultant website up as part of your PATH training.  It is free for your first 30 days as a consultant and costs $9.99 each month after that.  In my opinion, this $9.99 is well worth it!  You want to be able to offer this convenience to your customers.  People are shopping online more and more and if you don't offer a way for them to do that, you will be less competitive.

Each of  these tips will help you market yourself better online.  And the only thing you need to use these tips is your personal consultant website provided by THRIVE Life.  No need to create an entire separate blog or website.  No need to spend enormous amounts of time learning about websites, creating images, and writing content.

You will need your consultant url (or web address) in order to use these tips.  If you have not yet set that up, go do so now!

1.  Create an Email Signature

One great way to easily let others know about your website is to create an email signature.  This "signature" is a bit of text (can be links to other websites) that shows up at the bottom of each email without you having to type it in again and again.  Add your name, title ("Thrive Life Consultant), and your website url to your email signature.  You can even add a picture of yourself if you'd like.  Then, just send emails as you usually do.  Eventually someone will get curious and click on the link to your website!,d.cGU&cad=rja

2.  Make your links "pretty"

If I were to write an email to you, which would you prefer?

Hey!  Check out this great under the stair pantry!  I know you've been looking for a way to use that space in your house!
Hey!  Check out this great under the stair pantry!  I know you've been looking for a way to use that space in your house!
The second one is cleaner, "prettier," and more professional.  Watch this quick tutorial to learn how to create such links:

3.  Link Deep

You will want to link to your consultant website as often as you can.  But the exact page you link to on your website is important. You don't always want to link to your main home page.  If someone has questions about consulting, you should send them a link to this page.  Or if they want to know about hosting, this page would be best.  Here is a page about the benefits of Thrive.  Or what if they want to know about the milk?  You don't want to send them to your home page and hope they find the information they are looking for.  You want to make it easy for them.

Linking to a specific page on your website is called "deep linking."  You want to make sure you do it right so that if your customer decides to purchase something, (1) they get the correct discount and (2) you get credit for the sale. Watch this video to learn how to deep link:

4.  Network

You likely understand why networking is good in person or professionally.  But it is also good online! People read websites.  Yours in not the only one they visit, I promise!  So, you can get a link to your site on other websites, that is a REALLY good thing!   Pick a few websites / blogs / forums / facebook pages that interest you.  Follow them.  Comment on them.   When you comment on a blog, you can almost always choose to comment with your name and enter a link that you want people to go to when / if they click on your name.  Enter your consultant url!  Get to know people in facebook groups and forums etc.  Eventually the owner or another reader may ask for more information or offer to let you do a post on their site and link to your consultant url.  Networking is great!

5.  Combine Sales with Tips

If you decide to post about a sale we are having on a personal blog or facebook etc., make sure you also leave a tip.  This will make it come across as more helpful instead of just "salesy."  For example:

THRIVE Life has their tomato powder on sale for a fantastic price this week.  Did you know that one can of tomato powder (currently on sale for $27.69) can make 22 cans tomato sauce, 22 can tomato paste AND 8 bottles of tomato juice.  All you do is add water!  Add 1/3 c powder to 2 cups water for 1 can sauce, or 6 T powder to 3 T water for 1 can paste, or 3/4 c powder to 8 cup water for tomato juice!
Remember, you are a consultant, not just a sales person.  It is your job to educate and teach, not just sell.  Doing so will help you build a much more loyal customer base!

That's it!  Five simple tips.  I sincerely hope they help you work more efficiently online!

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