1. Attitude is EVERYTHING!
If you are excited, that will rub off onto others. Don't apologize for sharing something incredible that you love and that can benefit everyone! This is not a product only a few will love / use. It is food! High quality, healthy, non-GMO, easy to use, time and money saving food. Be excited about that! If you had discovered a really great recipe for an amazing healthy and delicious dessert, you would not be apologetic about sharing it even if it required your friends to go buy a few ingredients. Think of this the same way! You are sharing some wonderful!others! You have something
2. Make Eye Contact
Eye contact is huge! It allows others to feel that you are confident, honest and trustworthy. It also allows you to better tell when people are understanding what you are saying or if they are unsure and you need to clarify something.3. Ask Questions
Before you jump into a big discourse on why YOU love THRIVE, spend a few minutes asking questions of your potential customer(s). This is useful with individuals or at a class. That way, instead of overwhelming them with everything great about THRIVE, you can focus on the things that are most important to them.- Ask why they came to the party class.
- Ask what they wish was different about mealtime in their home.
- Ask how often they eat out.
- Ask if they like "convenience foods" such as frozen pizza and hamburger helper.
- Ask what most concerns them about the food their family currently eats.
- Ask how long they could feed their family without going to the grocery store.
- Ask if they want to be more prepared than they are now.
- Ask if they like washing and chopping veggies or browning / shredding meat.
- Ask if they'd like to involve their kids more in meal prep.
4. Listen

But if your listening is artificial and insincere, they won't trust you. You must learn to really listen, and to really care about finding a solution that meets each person's individual needs. Remember, each person you meet will be interested in and use this product for varying reasons. No two people are exactly alike. Find out what is important to them and address that!
5. Provide Solutions
Once you've asked lots of questions and sincerely listened to a customer, provide solutions for things they may have expressed dissatisfaction with in their life. If they eat out a lot, mention the THRIVE
But again, this must be done sincerely. Don't provide every solution in the book. Provide just one or two based on how they answered your questions and what you heard when listening to them.
6. Practice Being Brief
People tend to get overwhelmed if you provide too much info (I almost always provide too much info....so I'm still learning this the hard way!) You will be more likely to do this if you are not prepared. Practice answers to common questions & concerns at home in front of a friend, spouse, or even the mirror. You can even call me and we can roll play if that is helpful!7. Share Personal Experiences

8. Don't Be Easily Offended or Overly Sensitive
I promise (really, after years of this I know this to be 100% true) that most of the "no's" you get are really just "not right now's." I have had so many people come back to me after a year or even twoready to purchase when they said no at first. So, share away! Even if people say no right now, there is a good chance they may say yes later.
Also, don't take the no's personally. If a friend says no and you pull back from the relationship b/c you are afraid you've offended them, that will only make things worse. Just keep on keeping on....act as you always would have and they will learn that your friendship won't change whether they say yes or no. Then, they will be more likely to trust you and listen to what you have to say in the future.
9. Confidently Ask for the Sale

them to make a purchase. If you don’t confidently ask for the sale, it
“I know you are going to love the onions, carrots and zucchini, especially in your soups. They will really save you lots of prep time! I can place your order tonight. I just need you to fill out your address, phone number and payment info right here on this form. You can list the items you want right here.”When you ask for the sale, you will usually get it. Remember, you are not being pushy; you are helping them solve their problems.
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