I have been getting a lot of questions about the double dip lately. Hopefully this pretend scenario will help clarify things a bit:
Jane comes to Mary's party on October 10th. She likes what she hears and decides that she wants to order. She has also decided to host her own party sometime in November.
The consultant begins explaining the host benefits and Jane hears her say that Mary will get free and 1/2 product on her own purchases, not just her guest's purchases. Jane thinks to herself: "It would be better for me if I waited to order until I have my own party in November, then I could get free and 1/2 product back on my own order."
Shelf Reliance knew this would happen and that it is unfair to Mary. Mary invited Jane, opened her home and introduced her to Thrive. Mary is the reason Jane wants to order in the first place. However, it is also very understandable that Jane would want benefits back on her own purchase. If that helps motivate her to have a party and / or place a larger order, then Shelf Reliance wants to offer that benefit to Jane.
The double dip solves this problem. Jane can place her order as part of Mary's party. Mary will get the host benefit from her order. Then, when Jane hosts her own party, her order from Mary's party can be linked to her party as well and she can earn the host benefit. BOTH Mary and Jane get the host benefit from the SAME ORDER! Awesome!
In order for this to happen, you (the consultant) must do a few things correctly:
1. You must create Jane's party in your back office before your order Mary's host benefit.
2. When you create Jane's party, you must put the id# for Mary's party (found next to the Mary's party in the list you see when you click on "events") in the "booked from party id field:"
3. You must use the same email address for Jane's party that you used when she ordered.
I hope that helps! Comment if you still have questions!
Awesome Misty, Thanks!