Friday, January 6, 2012

2 "success" indicators

I had one of you ask me yesterday if I could tell when I enrolled someone if they would be successful or not.  I thought answering the question here would be a good followup to my last post on "success."

My answer is "Yes, and No."

There are two things that most successful consultants do / talk about during my very first conversations with them or at least within the first few weeks of being a consultant.  But, I have a few consultants who don't "fit the mold," and didn't do these things until a bit later on, so this isn't a perfect system by any means. If you didn't do these two things in your first few weeks as a consultant, no biggie!  Just do them now!  It is a new year: a fresh start.  We can each think of ourselves as "new consultants" right now.

That being said, here are a few indicators I look for when trying to "guess" if a new consultant will be "successful" or not:

#1.  They have their first party very soon after becoming a consultant.
Everybody is nervous about their first party.  I promise you: everyone is.  I was!  I still am sometimes. But you will never succeed until you just jump in and do it.  I promise you will learn more by experience and being put on the spot than you will doing all the studying in the world not that studying is bad).  You will be fine!  PROMISE!  Just do it.  Let me know when it is and I will be there to back you up!

The consultants on my team who are successful have parties: they talk about them before they even sign up.  The get them scheduled and don't postpone them.  They work with their hosts extensively to get lots of people there.  Parties are your lifeline in this business.  Go have one (or two or ten)!

#2  They ask lots of questions.
What keeps you from asking questions?  Not sure what to ask? Think you have silly questions?  Nervous about bothering me?  Too busy?  Prefer to find the answers on your own?  Everyone has questions.  I promise you, I've probably asked one sillier than yours!  I will make time for those who are serious about this business and if I'm too busy when you call, I will get back to you.

The consultants on my team who are successful ask questions.  They have lots of questions before enrolling and lots soon after.  They start studying immediately and keep a record of things they don't understand.  They call, email and attend trainings.  They don't stop until they get answers.  What questions do you have?  Write them down and ask me!

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