Monday, January 20, 2014

Call-Mail-Call Review

First, there are two VERY important things that a host (YOU if you are hosting your own class) should remember when doing Call-Mail-Call:

1.  Your energy / passion / enthusiasm etc MATTERS!  If you do these calls because you HAVE to with little enthusiasm and excitement in your voice, they won't accomplish much and you will be wasting your time.  The whole purpose of these calls is for you to share something you love with friends and family that you care about.  Make sure they know you love THRIVE and that you want to share it with them because you care about them.  Smile on the phone.  Even though they can't see you, they will hear that in your voice.

2.  No matter what, some of the people you invite will not come.  Some will not be interested.  Some will be busy.  Some will forget (even if you call them the night before).  Some will get sick or have sick kids.  MAKE SURE YOU OVER INVITE.  Invite (via Call-Mail-Call) 3-4 times the number of people you want to have come.  I recommend inviting 25-35 people for each class.  Make good use of the 100 leads in 10 minutes document from the PATH.  List everyone you can on that document.  Don’t decide for others if they are interested or not.  Just extend the invitation.     

Okay...onto the 3 steps:

Step #1:  Save the Date Call

This call has two main purposes: (1) To let your friends know WHY you are excited about Thrive and hosting a class and (2) To let them know WHEN your class will be.  Make sure you:
  • Tell them in 30 seconds or less WHY you'd like them to come and how you think Thrive can benefit them personally.  "I wanted to tell you a bit about something new I've been doing.  I found this food called THRIVE.  It is basically "healthy convenience food."  It tastes great and has been saving us money, time and stress. I really think it could do the same for you!  I know that like me, you are busy with soccer practices and homework and piano lessons etc, but still want to feed your family well.  Anyway, since I love it so much, I wanted to share it with other and give them a chance to taste it and learn how to cook with it.  I will be holding a class on Friday at 7:00 pm"
  • Let them know you will be sending a postcard (or email) from you shortly with more info.  "I will be sending you an email in a few days with more information.  Will you look for it?"
  • Get their email or mailing address if you don't already have it.  "Can I have your email address so I make sure I send that to the right place?"
  • Ask them to save the date on their calendar.  "Will you save that date for my class?  I'd really love to have you there!"
If you can do this "call" in person on their doorstep or during a lunch date or while at the park with your kids etc ALL THE BETTER!  If you want to go above and beyond, you may consider providing them with a small sample at this time.

You may also consider calling those who don't live anywhere near you.  Let them know what you are doing and that even though they don't live near you, they can still get the lowest prices b/c you are hosting a class.  Offer to send them an email with additional information and ask "If I sent you an email, would you read it and order something?"....then "Great!  I will give you a call back in a few days to see what you liked."

Step #2: Mail

This step can be done via snail mail postcards or email (through the back office system or another system such as evite if you prefer).   The main purpose is to provide a visual reminder of your class and give details about the time and place.

If you don't do step #1, this step will be far less effective.  I get junk mail / email all the time and I just toss it in the trash or delete it.  But if someone has told me to look for it, I'm far more apt to read it and keep it.  I'm sure you (and those you will be inviting) are similar.

If you called "out of town" guests in step #1, you will want to send them a followup email as well.  I like to send just one short paragraph about why I love THRIVE, how I use it and the problems it has solved me. I then link to this page on my consultant website.  I also quickly (like one sentence each) mention and link to our FRS systems, e-prep product and the business opportunity.   Review these Online Marketing Tips to make sure you link to things properly.

Step #3: Reminder Email

This is the MOST important step of this process.  Like Amber says in the PATH, "Reminder calls are even more important than a clean house."  If you don't do your reminder calls, your class will not be well attended.  It is simply the nature of our society.  People are busy and tend to forget!  Call everyone you invited, regardless of their RSVP status:

  • If they RSVP'd Yes, quickly remind them about the class.  "Hey!  I won't take much of your time, but I just wanted to remind you about my Thrive cooking class tomorrow at 7:00.  I'm excited for you to try this food and learn how to cook with it!  FYI, your spouse is welcome as well!"
  • If they RSVP'd No, ask if they'd like to host their own class and / or place an outside order.  "Hey, I'm having that Thrive cooking class tomorrow.  I know that tomorrow doesn't work for you, but if you'd like, I can set it up so you can have your own class at a time that works better for you.  Would you like me to have my consultant give you a call?  Also, you don't have to attend the class to get the discounted pricing.  If I sent you an email, would you read it and order something?"....then "Great!  I will give you a call back in a few days to see what you liked."
  • If they RSVP'd Maybe, find out if they will be coming.  "Hey!  I'm hosting that Thrive cooking class.  I know that last time we talked you weren't sure if you'd be able to come.  It is tomorrow at 7:00 pm.  Is that going to work for you?" 
  • If they did not RSVP, find out if they got your invite.  You may want to do this 2-3 days before instead of the day before, but short notice is better than no notice!  "Hi!  A couple weeks ago, I told you about a cooking class I'd be hosting with THRIVE foods.  I sent you an email, but didn't hear back and I wanted to make sure you'd gotten it and knew the details.  It will be on Friday at 7:00.  I'd love to have you there. Will you be able to come?"

That's it!  I'd love to hear about your experiences with Call - Mail - Call in the comments below!

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